DARSI is committed to support adolescents, young people and adults who are touched directly or indirectly by discomforts resulting in addiction, self-harm behaviors and suicide.
The support group DARSI – Addictions, Self-harm and Suicide Risk Italy is a non-profit association committed to support adolescents, young people and adults who are directly or indirectly touched by discomforts resulting in addiction, self-harm behaviors and suicide. The group’s activities focus on the importance of sharing information, help and scientific foundation on prevention of these risks by facilitating egalitarian disclosure to all social groups in the area of population. The group works to help people in distress who, for various reasons linked to personal fragility and psychological weakness or suffering, choose to live situations of detachment and isolation from the world around them.
Many of the activities carried out by the support group aim to the prevention of suicide in adolescence by focusing on the importance of informing and sensitizing professionals, schoolteachers, educators, families and public opinion on the issue, by involving the local actors who meet in various occasions the world of adolescents, also contrasting the taboo of suicide. Listening to and helping adults to recognize the malaise in teenagers is the primary and necessary activity for the prevention of suicidal risk in adolescents. The support group is also a channel between the families involved, or the person concerned, and the structures with clinical and neuro-psychological experience that offer a first therapeutic approach when needed.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number: 2022-1-ES01-KA210-SCH-