FOVIP Associació
FOVIP offers a wide range of high-quality training and extracurricular activities. During two years of activity, the theme of suicide risk of adolescents has often arisen among different groups of learners: professionals in the fields of psychology, education, youth, school and the wider public of adults.
FOVIP designs training programs based on the knowledge that health professionals such as nurses, pediatrician, psychologists, education professionals and social service professionals, among others, must have to address situations related to activities with groups of adolescents who are attended in their professional services. The programs, created according to specific needs, incorporate theoretical as well as practical contents to transmit during the educational interventions within the educational field, to the centers of compulsory secondary education (ESO) or within their own areas of intervention to his professional activity. The objectives of the FOVIP training courses are aimed at providing healthcare professionals with the thoughts, doubts and confusions that young people have during their stage of development and personal development and to be supportive references in those present needs, as well as being more able to detect other needs and prevent risks.
Due to the increase in annual cases, the prevention and early detection of the risk of suicide in adolescents is a priority for the WHO in public health. FOVIP works from different interventions distributed chronologically during the training sessions to the professionals to whom the training is addressed. It studies the characteristics of the target group, the indications and risk factors to be taken into account, the manifestations expressed verbally and not verbal, as well as the emotional state of young people. In FOVIP we make solid proposals to provide knowledge and skills to teachers in secondary schools who are in daily and direct contact with young people. This knowledge and skills allow them to recognize risky behaviors and provide them with the necessary resources to refer the cases detected to other professionals in the social and health network, to do multidisciplinary work, including the families of the teens.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Project number: 2022-1-ES01-KA210-SCH-